Another Back to School Checklist

This post is part of my Back to School Extravaganza!


Another checklist!

This list will vary depending what grade your child is in.  My son is going to preschool so this list should be good for preschool and elementary school kids.

Today's post is for school supplies.  When I was growing up I always over did it!  To much of everything, but my son doesn't have rich parents so he is only getting the bare essentials :)  This list will tell you the needs your child must have.  (Some preschools or elementary school will actually send you a list.)
 Here is my sons back to school list:
~ 3 note books  
~ pack of pencils
~ pencil sharpner
~ crayons
~ markers
~ 2 folders for lose papers
~ crayon box
~ paint
~ glue sticks
~ safety scissors
~ ruler
~ tissues
~ erasers
~ art smock
~ lunch box
~ book bag
~ umbrella 
~ our preschool also request an extra change of clothing just in case they would spill something on themselves 

Somethings for parents to add with older kids:
a note book for each subject
binder and lined paper for binder
day planner to write down homework assignments
sticky notes to mark their books
high lighters
laptop or their own USB drive to save things 
depending what math they have Graph paper 

Sorry my older kids list isn't very good :(  I forget all the things I needed for school!!  I feel so old now that I have a child getting ready for school!!!

Remember this is my back to school Extravaganza!  Check yesterday's post for an amazing $50 certificate giveaway!
Check tomorrow for another huge back to school hop giveaway event.  I will be giving away a prize worth $45!! (Like them labels on my sons back to school supplies........)

Monday I also had a great review for unique must have shirts for little kids going to school :)

Hope this post helped with anyone getting ready for back to school.  Don't forget to keep checking back!