My review for Howl For it

 My review for Howl for it.  Cynthia Eden and Shelly Laurenston.

Every time these two lovely ladies write a book its amazing! And Howl for it has yet again proved that point!

Shelly's story takes you back in time to when Dee-ann's parents were young. I love the humor and wit that Shelly uses in all her stories. I LOVED seeing Eggie one of the most feared Smith pack members fall in love with sweet Darla! Its a laugh out loud stuck on the edge of your seat kinda story!

Cynthia story is about Gage and Kayla we start off at the "happiest" day of their life..... their wedding..... yet plots, schemes and plans of murder threaten to ruin the honeymoon. Something you should know about Cynthia Eden is that she can write an alpha male like no other! And Gage did not disappoint!  I loved the twist's in this book it kept me intrigued and unable to put the book down!

I bought the book the day it came out and stayed up to 3am unable to stop reading :)

Cynthia and Shelly have a way of pulling you in and making you
not want to let go. You find yourself loveing the characters and wishing you could be part of their world!

I would highly recommend Howl for it and all of Cynthia and Shelly's other work :) 

You can also seem my review on amazon amazon review