Power Rangers Samurai: The Ultimate Duel - Vol 5 review

Disclaimer:  I was given products in this post for the purpose of review.  I was not paid in anyway to write this review all opinions are my own. 

Power Rangers Samurai: The Ultimate Duel - Vol 5 review 

I'm not sure how many of you seen my past review of Power Rangers here, but after getting a taste of the action packed show my kids became addicted!!  Power Rangers have been around for a long time, I remember them even as I was a child.  And even though the Power Rangers have changed quite a bit they still remain the same in the fact its good clean action.  My boys get to watch battle scenes and I don't have to worry about blood and guts.  


  Power Rangers Samurai: The Ultimate Duel – Volume 5 arrives on DVD and Digital Download soon!  It includes the 4 final episodes.  Including the explosive battle, the Red Ranger finally faces off with Deker for the epic duel. 
 Saban’s Power Rangers Samurai is the #1 Kids Action Series. For  20 years viewers have enjoyed this action packed series my brother and I included.
The DVD also has three videos and a character gallery.

released date: 7/15
running time: 92 minutes

My family really enjoyed it!  My boys obviously because of the battle and action.  Myself because it made me think of when I was younger and my brother and I would argue over who got to be the Green power ranger when we "battled."  And my hubby liked the fact that it kept us from pesting him for awhile :).  I recommend this to all families the show is clean no horror bloody scenes, no offensive language it really and truly is just good clean action that kids - boys or girls - will love :)