Disclaimer: I was given products in this post for the purpose of review. I was in no way paid to write this review. All opinions are my own.
This post is part of my 2013 Holiday Gift Guide! If you would like to learn more please click here.
Christmas is my favorite time of year. Not because of the gifts (even though they are nice :)!!), but that is not why its my favorite time of year... I love it because it means lots of family time :). Christmas traditions are a huge thing in my family. Small things like making cut out cookies with my grandmother, putting a lit candle in the window Christmas Eve (Irish tradition) or even my hubby and I exchanging a gift Christmas Eve after we finish playing Santa.
For me its all about tradition and making memories with my family. One of my favorite happens to be decorating the tree :). Each year we add at least 1 new decoration some times more, but always at least one. I love it because we go back through all the years and look at some of the things we added. We make hot chocolate, eat cookies and make and entire night out of it. When the tree is done we have a Christmas movie marathon and talk about what we hope Santa brings. My little guys are only 2 and 5 and they already look forward to this every year.
With this being such a huge event in my home I wanted to do something special this year. So I contacted Ornaments with Love to see if I would be able to review a personalized Ornament. I was so super excited when they said yes and couldn't wait to pick the perfect one with my kiddos :).
Before I talk about the item I reviewed I want to tell you a bit more about the company. Ornaments With Love specializes in making 1 of kind personalize Ornaments. They make them for families, couples, babies, pets, sports, hobbies and so much more! They have something for everyone and are guaranteed to have that perfect ornament just for you and your loved ones. Keep them for yourself and give them as a cute gift. Right away when using the website I realized they were super easy to use and had so many choices! Its family owned so you know a lot of time and love goes into each ornament Also I was super impressed with how fast my item arrived after ordering.
The only issue I had was when ordering with 2 little kids every item is the best and they changed their mind at least 15 times! Shopping with a 2 and 5 year old always proves to been difficult lol!
We did eventually pick one and we were all in love with the it in the end.
We got the Personalized Snow Family Christmas Ornament with Hats - 5 Children from Ornaments with love
I know some of you are most likely thinking hold on this lady only has 2 kids.... Yes my little guys thought it would be rude not to put our pups on our family Ornament! I loved that not only could I pick the Ornament, but they had a few different size choices making it possible to have the perfect family size for us.... Pups included!
I'm sure you can see from my photo its super cute and I can tell you its def. going to be the star of my Christmas tree this year.
I can't wait to hang it up this year! If your family is looking for a 1 of kind made just for you Ornament you want to check out Ornaments With Love!
To learn more please see my links below: