BIZ helping me to hide Life's dirty little secrets

I was given products in this post for the purpose of review.  I was not paid to write this review.  All opinions are my own.
I have two little boys, ages 7 and 10.  My little boys play baseball, football, soccer and basketball.  

Now these are the sports they play for school, at home they're also convinced they are professional mud wrestlers and advent tree climbers.  Sticks and dirt are their tools of choice, and grass must be rolled around on.  Puddles cannot go unjumped in and if we are eating half the bottle of ketchup must be dumped on our food.

Needless to say their clothing is the thing of nightmares.

2 weekends ago I took Quinn to Gymboree to do some summer clothing shopping.  $100 later we had two huge bags of clothing and a very happy little boy.  The next day he had to go to my grandmothers, I had a ladies event at church.  My nanny and pappy planned to stay home and just hang out with him.  3 hours later I go down and realize my cousin's little boys were over as well...  And those $30 cute little cargo shorts I got him were now navy blue and mud colored!  My normal detergent can handle every day stains and odors.  This was no normal stain, this was the mother ship of stains!  It was so bad some mud even got under his pants and into his underwear!  So dear readers this is my dirty little secret, my kids are a hot mess! 

 If you see me at church or school you will think "oh wow her kids always look so put together and clean".  Trust me it is just an illusion, some days I think they compete with each other to see who can get the messiest.  
At this point I normally panic, but no need to fear... This mama is now fighting back with the power of BIZ!
What is BIZ you  may ask?
It is a laundry boosting, stain-fighting must have item for every laundry room! Not only does it get out dirt, but also every day stains like food or even grease! No two stains are the same, so different stains require different ingredients to be rid of them. Sadly there is no one ingredient to clean them all. So why not have all of them in one? Most brand do not offer that, but BIZ® didn't cut any corners... Biz has more stain fighters than other brands. That's why it works better. 

How ever you are currently washing you clothing, you need to stop, because they aren't really clean unless they are BIZ clean.

 It comes in a powder, liquid, pods and even pen form.  Whatever your laundry  needs are BIZ is there to save the day...  Well maybe not the day, but def. your laundry!!! 

Want to learn more?  Check them out here: