The Time Capsule Journal series

I was given products in this post for the purpose of review.  I was not paid to write this review.
Every year before the first day of school I make up a questionnaire for my boys.  Questions like what is you favorite movie, what do you want to be when you grow up.  Who is your best friend, ect.  We also write down their height.
Then at the end of the year we re-answer the same questions and see if anything has changed.  My kids LOVE it.  Sadly they always seem to lose the papers and it makes me sad I didn't keep them over the years.  That is all about to change with The Time Capsule Journal.  It is easy to loose a piece of paper, but not an entire book!

This special children's edition of The Time Capsule Journal is designed for ages 6 to 10 and asks fun questions all about you! Answer half of the questions now, then come back in a few years and document how your answers have changed. This is a fun way to see how you've grown and makes for a great keepsake! While this book is recommended for ages 6 to 10, the content is appropriate for all ages.

So each page is a question you answer and date.  Then at some point in the future you go back and the page right next to it you re-answer the question and see if it changes.  You can wait a year, 2 years, 10 years the time frame is up to you!

And the questions are so fun an kid approved.  For example on page 52:   What is your favorite restaurant and what do you like to order from there?
Or page 12 Write about the best birthday you ever had?

I love these questions that not only get my boys thinking, but also let me see what is special to them.  It really is a sweet bonding time.